Happy New Year friends! We made it to 2025. A new year also means a new word. When I first started choosing a word of the year, I kinda just went with a trendy word that I saw others using. But then it became something deeper. I started to see how God used that word to fix my focus. I started to pray that God would show me what to focus on in the upcoming year. I prayed that God would direct me to the word that He had for me. This year the word God kept putting in front of me didn't really make sense. But I just kept seeing it and hearing it. It came up in the most random conversations. I even told Jordan how I wasn't sure what word to choose, but the one word that kept coming to mind didn't make sense to me... to which of course he said "well sounds like that is your word".
Purpose. But what does it mean for 2025? I tried to make it make sense. I looked up verses containing purpose. I researched the defintion of purpose, which provided a wide range of answers. And then I just asked God, how am I suppose to focus on purpose? Ope and there it was. The reason for my 2025 word of the year. I firmly believe God has been reminding me of my purpose. But He was also reminding me that there is purpose in His plan for our lives. That everything we have gone through in our lives will not be wasted. The theme this year is focusing on our purpose in Christ and then using this to guide our decisions. Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
2024 brought a lot of pain, sorrow, & grief. But there was also many moments of joy. For the past few months I feel like I have been focused on all the hard things we have been walking through. IVF, losses, walking into adoption, and more. So much so that I forget to see the blessings in our day to day life. I know that grief and joy can coexist but admittedly I am still figuring out how to balance those two.
I also know that I don't fully grasp how God is going to use this word to grow my faith, but what I do know is what it says in Psalm 183:8a "The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever." So I know that I can trust His purposes in 2025 and beyond. I can trust that He has a purpose and a plan for my life. I can trust Him with the losses of our two embaby boys. I can trust Him with our adoption journey. I can trust Him with our farm and our business. I can trust Him with our lives.
No matter what 2025 brings our way, I pray that I will remain focused on my purpose in Christ. While remaining steadfast. Continuing to be brave. Continuing to persevere. Continuing to be intentional. And continuing to trust.
"Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand."
-Proverbs 19:21
I'd love to hear what your Word of the Year is! Please share in the comments below.
How can I pray for you this week?